
Eija-Riitta Korhola kansainvälisessä mediassa – ERK in international media


EPP Group wins vote to reject temporary removal of carbon certificates”EPP Group opposes ”backloading” to avoid higher energy costs for consumers and looks to re-examine the EU’s Emission Trading System.”

Capital Requirements Directive – Emissions Trading System – Cyprus Crisis”Parliament adopts comprehensive banking regulation to protect taxpayers’ money from propping up the banks and votes against the Commission’s proposal to withdraw carbon emission certificates.  Members condemn the EU’s handling of the Cyprus bailout.”


”Kyotoavtalet har inte minskat utsläppen” – Kyoto Protocol has not cut the emissions. Article in Dagens Industri, Swedish industrial newspaper.

Kyotoprotokollets största effect är att EU har outsourcat industiproduktion till länder där utsläppen är större, säger europapolitikern Eija-Riitta Korhola i en ny doktorsavhandling.

”Att EU når utsläppsmålet i Kyotoprotokollet är skenbart. Om man inte bara beaktar utsläppen från produktionen, utan även från konsumtionen, har EU:s utsläpp ökat. EU har helt enkelt outsourcat utsläppen. Och de utsläpp det då handlar om kommer i hög grad från kol”, säger Eija-Riitta Korhola.

EU’s Groote to Seek Parliament’s Fast Approval of CO2 Fix

Eija-Riitta Korhola, a Finnish member of the European People’s Party in the environment committee, said yesterday that she will raise an objection to backloading, admitting her proposal is unlikely to be approved. Claude Turmes, a Luxemburgish member of the industry panel, said yesterday that the environment committee has majority to overturn objections to the measure to postpone sales of 900 million carbon permits.

EU ’foolish to risk’ progress on global aviation emissions agreement
Europe must avoid isolating itself in the fight against global aviation emissions, writes Eija-Riitta Korhola.

EU climate change policy in crisis after MEPs vote against high CO2 prices
”The European Union’s climate change policy is on the brink of collapse today after MEPs torpedoed Europe’s flagship CO2 emissions trading scheme by voting against a measure to support the price of carbon permits.”

EU Parliament’s Biggest Group Wants Plenary Talks on Carbon Fix
”The biggest group in the European Parliament wants the whole assembly to decide about talks with governments on a carbon fix, avoiding fast-track negotiations, lawmaker Eija-Riitta Korhola said.”

Parliament to vote again on backloading”A revised version of the European Commission’s proposal to ‘backload’ carbon allowances in the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will be sent back to the full Parliament.”

EU Lawmaker Sees No Carbon Fix Compromise Before Vote
”Political groups in the European Parliament will not propose a new compromise solution on a draft carbon market fix before the full assembly vote scheduled for next month, according to lawmaker Eija-Riitta Korhola.”

Majority of parliament’s biggest party against backloading”The majority of the European People’s Party (EPP), the largest party in the European Parliament, will oppose the European Commission’s backloading proposal, MEP Eija-Riitta Korhola told Montel late on Monday.”

MEP back-loading vote change reveals closer divide”Twelve members of the European Parliament (MEP) have asked to change their voting record on the European Commission’s back-loading proposal, revealing that sentiment in the parliament is even more closely divided than originally viewed.”

EU urged to revive flagging emissions trading scheme
”More than 30 large companies sign up to call for reforms ahead of key vote in European parliament next week”

EU Parliament Panel Rejects Opinion to Improve CO2 Market
”The European Parliament’s environment committee rejected a resolution to improve Europe’s carbon market and swiftly adopt a climate and energy policy package for 2030.”


Climate etc by professor Judith Curry: Climate Change as a Political Process : ”I’ve read Korhola’s thesis in its entirety; I can’t find much to disagree with, and parts of it had me jumping up saying “Yes!”

Climate Fix by professor Roger Pielke Jr.: Fascinating Climate Policy PhD of a Member of the European Parliament: ”Eija-Riitta Korhola is a rare politician. She was a long-serving member of the European Parliament from Finland as a member of the European People’s Party, the largest block in the legislature. She has also recently completed an academic dissertation for a PhD in a policy field that she specializes in – climate policy. I can’t recall ever hearing of another politician completing a PhD while in office. Rare indeed.”

1 kommentti artikkeliin “International

  1. Hullo from Sweden. I am active in the Swedish networks Klimatupplysningen and Klimatsans as well as the internationel network Clintel. We appreciate anyone who questions EU politics and goals, based on facts.

    Among Swedish EU candidates, virtually not one does this. We want safe and untroubled provision of energy, resources and food for everyone. You can reach me on +46-70-628 87 76,


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